You are Awesome,

Yet, do others see that?
With the Science of Influence, They Will!

Book a Free Call

More Leads

Using our marketing strategies

More Conversions

Using our sales script & techniques

More Growth

Using our 9 steps framework from pain to gain

More Relief

Everything is there for you, just follow the proven framework

badge of cialdini certified professional
badge of IAPPD certified master trainer
badge of sales professionals society
badge of sales enablement
badge of certified digital marketing straategist
badge of cialdini founding member


experience years


successful clients


online training hrs




Choose Your Adventure

Guided Workshops

Made Simple Courses

A series of courses designed to simplify complex concepts to a fundamental level. You can progress through this path at your own pace and start implementing what you learn right away.

  • School Enrollment Made Simple
  • Business Growth Made Simple
  • Sales Enablement Made Simple
Check Course

1-on-1 adventure


A guided adventure where I lead you to setup a profitable and predictable online business in just 90 days, without being overwhelmed by technology, marketing and sales issues, so you can be financially independent.

Check Course


They experienced it
before You

They said a lot about me, and I cannot be happier and more ecstatic. Without them, I would have never reached success, I am thankful to all my clients.

In short words they said about my personality that I am an easy going, energetic, honest, dedicated, passionate, knowledgeable, and humble professional.

And they said about my work that I helped them increase revenue and clients, and decrease expenses in just a couple of months with distinguished results due to my custom made planning and systems in Sales & Marketing.

Dr. Robert Cialdini

Godfather of Influence

I proudly introduce you to an exceptional professional: the Cialdini Certified Coach, Ahmad Misto. With great enthusiasm, I provide this recommendation to highlight Dr. Misto’s expertise in the science of persuasion and its ethical application






cialdini institute

Husni Khuffash MENA Managing Director. AI, Business Development | Ex-Google, Microsoft, EY | Digital Transformation | Growth Management

Ahmad is a pleasure to deal with. He focuses on finding solutions to challenges with his in-depth industry and market knowledge, building long-term relationships with his clients.

problem solving

in-depth knowledge

long-term relationships

easy going

Mr. Bas Wouters

CEO, Cialdini Institute

I consider Dr. Misto a very close friend of the 'Cialdini Institute’. He is the first Arab to become a 'Cialdini Certified Professional’. You can ask him anything about the science of influence. I am very proud to collaborate with him, and together, we are creating special offers for the Arab world.

online influence


mentor program


arab world

Elie Saab

General Manager, Dar Almoufid publishers - Lebanon

Dr. Misto simply cut our expenses by 50% and increased our sales with his simple custom tailored solution. You can obviously see his influence over everyone else in everyhting marketing & sales related. With him, you're in good hands.

revenue increase

expenses decrease

simple solution

custom planning



Ismail Madi

Head Of Marketing & Business Development, Mindloop Studios - UAE

Ahmad is a talent full of energy, a good listener and a unique problem solver. His honesty and integrity kept our relation for years, some rare traits nowadays.

good listener

problem solver



Mohamed Sayed


The perfect balance of skill, knowledge and passion. He helped us double our sales in just 3 months, teaching us critical marketing strategies and sales tactics. Recommended to anyone who wants to grow their business.




doubled sales

short term success

critical strategies

Dr. AbdulRahman Chahine

General Manager, Cedars Medicare & ABC labs - Lebanon

Due to his Sales and Marketing system, I've generated more revenue in the past 6 months than I had in the past 3 years combined. Unimaginable! I critically recommend Ahmad, and I wish I've known him sooner!

custom system

revenue increase

short term success

Ghazi Al Harbi

Manager, Schools in Riyadh - KSA

Ahmad is surprisingly deep and passionate in his work. He knows how to adapt to change and accomplish tasks. I loved working with him and seeing his dedication to comleting any task, even outside his contract scope.



adapting to change


Bassam Abu Zaid

General Manager, Express Travel - Lebanon

What distinguishes Dr. Misto is that he loves getting challenged, and getting creative. I still remember our first resounding success in 2006. He does not quit work until it's done. A highly recommended professional.


problem solving


Dr. Ghina AlBadawi Hafez

Director General of Education, Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association of Beirut - Lebanon

Dr. Misto is an expert in integrating technology into a school's instructional and management practices. He is a supportive, humble, and always up-to-date professional, rarely to be missed at international EdTech events.

technology expert

school system expert





public speaker

Mohamed Rushdy

CEO, EDU MAP Schools - Egypt

We worked together and achieved great success. I was amazed by his personality and the way he professionally presented his easy-to-learn solutions. If you can work with this guy, never hesitate, he will never let you down.


great personality

easy solutions

Samer Kandil

General Manager, TASK Limited Co. & PowerPack - Lebanon / MAYFAIR properties - Cyprus.

I reached out to Dr. Misto to help me restructure my businesses. Where else can you get leadership, marketing and sales expertise in one professional. We increased our revenue by 40% in just 6 months, using customer retention and sales tactics. Can't recommend him enough.

business restructure




increased revenue

customer retention

sales tactics

short term success

Dr. Ibrahim Baltagi

General Manager, GEMZ Academy & Lebanese Kodaly Society - Lebanon / Baltagi Co - USA

In 60 days, working with Dr. Ahmad helped me cut 60% of marketing expenses and generate more revenue. Who knew you can achieve that in just a short period. Ahmad is a master of growing a business, doing it while being humble, honest and dedicated. Don't worry with him, worry if he didn't accept the job.

short term success

increased revenue

decreased expenses

business growing master


honest and dedicated.

Fedra Trad

Principal, Lebanon High School - Lebanon

When it comes to hiring a consultant, two things matter the most: Honesty and Expertise. I can tell you first hand, Ahmad is marvellous with both. If you're looking for help to grow your online business, and get your team in action, look no further, Ahmad is the guy.



online business

Jeff Simmerman

Managing Partner, Performance Management Co. - USA

Ahmad has been an invaluable resource for our company and brought us numerous clients almost immediately after implementing some of his strategies. If you're able to work with Ahmad, I've no doubt you'll be surprised with his impact on your business, and will feel the difference when you have more time for new clients every week, like I personally have.

increased clients

custom strategies

increased revenue

Dr. Jamal Churbaji

Chairman, CEMS Education - MENA

When I started our first school in Beirut in 2005, that's when I first dealt with Ahmad. He used to sell us books and school systems, but over the years I've observed that he is a well connected businessman too. He is a trustworthy, knowledgeable, and dependable individual; thus, we increase our collaboration in various business sectors. Always having new initiatives, I heartily endorse him.

well connected businessman



Wafa Alqadi

Principal - Dawhat Al Jazeera International Schools - KSA

Applying his strategies increased our enrollment by 27% in just 6 months. Not only Ahmad is an expert in what he does but he's so personable too. I admire his expertise in spotting problems and his style to solve them. He believes in teamwork and has his ways to make everyone feel at ease to contribute. I highly recommend working with him

increase enrollment



Years long portfolio

Trusted by companies and educational institutions

logo of cialdini
logo of eduware
logo of alsahafa
logo of gemz
logo of grades
logo of high_point
logo of iappd
logo of ibtikariyya
logo of kodaly
logo of makassed
logo of map_schools
logo of ncomputing
logo of phoenix
logo of powerpack
logo of rhs
logo of salesh2o
logo of dawhataljazeera
logo of sps
logo of cems
logo of daf
logo of osten
logo of edu_fun
logo of balkis
logo of kideo

Awards & Media

They Valued My Skills

Life is too short

Don't Postpone Your Journey


Book A Strategy Session

Whether you have a business, a product or just your expertise, you need a solid foundation to grow from. Let’s assess yours with my proven checklists.


Let's Decide what's best for you

Depending on what is holding you back and your resources, we’ll create the best plan that is custom-tailored to your needs.


Watch your success

Take what you have to the next level with my simple to follow roadmap.

Book a free session now

Just focus on what you do best, and leave your worries about tech, marketing and sales.

A New Visionary

I’m an Established Consultant, Speaker, Master Trainer at IAPPD, Sales Guru at SPS, Digital Marketing Strategist, and Sales Enablement Expert. As the first Arabic 'Certified Coach' in Influence & Persuasion globally serving as “Cialdini Institute MENA manager”, I empower you with the essential strategies and skills for unparalleled success, both personally and professionally.

With over 28 years dedicated to selling, managing, and supporting education and business institutions in the MENA region, I’ve successfully grown multiple businesses into multimillion-dollar ventures, achieving milestones of 2, 3, and 11 million dollars. Now, I am on a mission to help individuals and institutions thrive in the digital world through my 'MISTOPRENEUR’ Initiative.

MISTOPRENEUR is my innovative & sustainable Business Model built around YOU. It’s a life-changing ONE-STOP-SHOP, an action-oriented path through which you’ll Productize your Value and Launch it Online SO you will be Financially Independent WITHOUT being marketing, sales, or tech-savvy in just 90 DAYS.

Trust my proven path, trust in YOU and let's celebrate your Mistopreneurial success.

Take the first step today

Request a free strategic session

This is going to be a big investment that’s going to change everything

Whether you have a business, a product or just your expertise, you need a solid foundation to grow from. Let’s assess yours with my proven checklists. Just focus on what you do best, and leave your worries about tech, marketing and sales.

Book Your Free Session
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